With such verification as to its medical necessity, the following are allowed:
The documentation must include the doctor’s name, address, telephone number, and medical license number and must be updated every two years. If you have a need to bring in items relating to a medical condition, you must have documentation from your doctor as to its need.

Inclement weather gear that may include hoods, raincoats, hats, scarves, and gloves during the winter or sun hats during the summer.The following baby items are allowed when bringing in an infant or toddler: any combination of two factory-sealed single serving size, ready to feed bottles of baby formula or two transparent plastic baby bottles either empty or containing pre-mixed formula/milk/juice/water three non-glass containers of baby food in sealed packaging one plastic spoon six disposable diapers one sealed package of baby wipes one change of clothing one small blanket two searchable small toys one transparent pacifier one burp cloth baby carrier and clear plastic diaper bag (12” by 20”).Documents will be viewed and read by staff during processing and must be taken out by the visitor at the end of the visit Documents up to 10 pages, no larger than 8-1/2” by 11” (standard size typing paper) usually such documents will be either papers for the prisoner’s signature (for example, tax forms), information to share with the prisoner (for example, pages showing classes available through a correspondence course), or family papers (for example, a child’s report card, certificate of achievement, or drawing), but they can be anything that can be sent to the prisoner through the mail.Ten Photographs, no larger than 8” by 10” photos may be shown to the prisoner, but must be taken out by the visitor at the end of the visit photos cannot be Polaroid and may not include any sexual or gang images photos will be viewed by staff during processing.A small unopened pack of tissues or a handkerchief no bandannas.A comb or brush non-metallic, no pointed end or detachable parts.Identification (as previously specified).Two keys on a ring with no other attachments.A small (generally 6” by 8”) clear, plastic purse or bag.A $70 limit per adult and $40 limit per minor only as dollar bills, dollar coins and quarters (change machines are usually available but they may be out of order or out of change).Items allowed without prior approval are limited to the following: Visitors are strictly limited in the items they may bring into the prison.